Our world is in an energy transition phase with increasing penetration of renewable energy and focus on carbon reduction—but this creates a range of challenges.
Misaligned supply and demand
Variable Renewable Energy (VRE) generators have increased the variability of supply and demand.
Cost pressures
Network upgrades are required to facilitate more renewable energy generation, increasing network charges for all network users.
Increased variability
Increased variability of supply and demand increases the variability of the intra-day cost spread.
Renewable energy waste
Inability to deliver renewable energy to where it is needed, when it is needed will result in curtailment and waste of otherwise available renewable energy.
“Time shifting of energy” - storing energy energy when energy demand is low (during off peak periods) and then releasing it back into the electricity grid when demand is high.
Peak demand shaving, which can increase the existing capacity of the distribution network and result in lower network charges.
Supporting the stability of the local distribution network.
Reduce the need to curtail rooftop solar generators at certain times in the day.
Increase the penetration of renewable energy and thus reducing the overall energy carbon footprint.
NB: This is just a dummy image
The transition to a 100% renewable energy future not only requires generation of enough renewable energy, it requires renewable energy when it is needed and where it is needed. Distributed BESS can assist in solving this challenge by:
Time shifting of energy
Storing locally generated renewable energy when supply is high and demand is low and then releases this energy back to the grid when demand is high.
Capturing curtailed energy
Supporting the stability of the local distribution network by becoming a load when a load is needed to avoid curtailment of locally generated renewable energy.
Peak demand shaving
Consistent peak shaving increases capacity of the existing distribution network and can lower network charges for the customer.
Maximisation of renewable energy penetration
Storing energy with a high renewable energy content and it at a time of lower renewable energy content will increase the overall penetration of renewable energy in the system.
Reduction of carbon
Increasing penetration of renewable energy reduces the overall energy carbon footprint.
Squirrel provides integrated BESS solutions tailored to the needs of the customer and the local network conditions in a comprehensive manner that includes design, installation and operation.
Squirrel BESS Solutions can provide multiple significant benefits for energy users, project stakeholders and the distribution network in different ways.
Squirrel BESS Standalone
The Squirrel team of energy market experts and engineers have the knowledge, experience and tools to optimise each project so that the economic and environmental returns are optimised for stakeholders.
All Squirrel BESS projects are operated by Squirrel Energy’s proprietary control software and trading algorithms that uses a combination of real-time data, including network (cost) data, predictive operational data and the customer’s energy-profile data, to create an optimised energy strategy. For each project, the smart algorithm will automatically generate BESS operational instructions to meet stakeholder requirements within a live environment.
The smart algorithm is agnostic to BESS technology, is adaptable to changing markets and uses AI and multiple large databases to continuously improve its performance.
The smart algorithm was developed to operate under a large number of different scenarios and delivers multiple benefits, including: